Over the last three months, we have been working hard to create what we firmly believe is the highest-quality, most interesting and engaging course available online for managers to develop their awareness about mental health.

The course is available now and can be accessed via Udemy using the following link:


We are making the course available at an introductory price of £11.99 instead of the retail price £99.99 with coupon code DELPHIS-WEB. You can take advantage of this offer now.

Our mental health for managers online course is targeted at line managers but is also a valuable educational resource for anyone wishing to learn about a range of mental health issues. The course comprises 50 lectures with optional assignments, quizzes and supplementary material making a total of 6 hours of high-quality learning.

7 Reasons Why You Should Take This Course

  1. Delphis has gone the extra mile with this course. We interviewed working people with mental health conditions and positive stories to tell about their treatment at work by managers. Seeing and hearing real people sharing real feelings and experiences brings these vital ideas to life. Video and audio clips throughout the course help you make a deep connection to the subject matter and show the human face of mental health.
  2. Our online course is designed from the viewpoint of managers. This ensures you will learn what you need to know to deal with mental health issues at work. This means you can reduce sickness absences and turnover. And you can eliminate the stress that comes from not dealing with mental health issues effectively.
  3. By addressing these issues correctly you can avoid potential legal problems. You never know when a disgruntled employee may feel discriminated against.
  4. Mental health can be a positiveBy developing your awareness of mental health you will impress your colleagues, bosses, and employees. They will see you as an ethical, caring manager – and that can only help your career, not to mention your self-esteem.
  5. Understanding how to promote mental wellbeing for all your team will help build their resilience and improve their performance.
  6. By taking our online course, you can learn from the comfort of your own chair, whether at work or at home. And you can learn at your own pace too – you can rewind and rewatch segments as often as you like. There is nothing easier and more convenient than a well-designed online course!
  7. Our course contains rich multimedia content – text, photos, graphics, and voiceover – to maximise learning and engagement for all. All content has been written, recorded and selected to be the highest quality.

Online Course Content

Our mental health for managers online course covers a wide range of topics. Each one is vital for any line manager to learn if they are to understand and support employees with their mental health.

We begin by making a strong financial case for investing in mental health awareness and training. Did you know that poor mental health costs UK businesses up to £42 billion per year? (Deloitte, 2017). The good news is that good mental health awareness training can lead to a return on investment of up to 8:1 (Deloitte, 2017).

Legal rights for employees and responsibilities for managersOf course, there are other reasons to care for your employees. It is clearly the ethical thing to do, but also creating a supportive culture at work will mean far less stress for managers in the long run. Employees who feel their wellbeing is important to managers are less likely to take time off or leave their jobs.

In addition, we look at the legal responsibilities of organisations to care for the mental health of their workers, based on the Health and Safety at Work act (1974) and the Equality act (2010).

Understanding Mental Health

The main purpose of any online course on mental health is for managers to learn about mental health itself. We examine the stigma attached to mental illness which sadly persists in our society. Then we look at possible reasons and how we can challenge negative attitudes, based on fear, ignorance or hostility.

We then spend some considerable time looking at a range of mental health conditions. These include the most common, anxiety and depression, but also bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders, psychosis, and alcohol and drug dependence. We focus on both the symptoms (how the condition is experienced by the individual) and the signs (how another person might spot the condition). This will enable managers to identify when an employee is having a problem and give them more insight into the nature of the condition.

Exercise and nutrition are important for good mental healthSupporting Employees

While it is essential for managers to be able to spot signs of poor mental health, they are not expected to make a formal diagnosis. What they do need to know is how to deal with employees in a sensitive and helpful manner.

We therefore spend a significant part of the course on how to approach an employee with a mental health condition. We look at the initial conversation and what a manager should and should not say, and how they should listen without judgment.

Eventually, the manager should know how to signpost the employee to relevant professionals such as doctors or occupational health. They may also be able to offer other suggestions for how the employee can look after themselves. This does not mean trying to give any sort of psychotherapy. Rather it means providing general encouragement about building resilience, for example through exercise, a good diet, and mindfulness.

The ALRIGHT Method

In the Delphis online mental health course, managers will learn a useful step by step approach to handling meetings with employees delicately. The seven steps can be easily remembered using the acronym ALRIGHT. This stands for:

  1. Approach
  2. Listen
  3. Reassure
  4. Immediate actions
  5. Guide towards professional support
  6. Help them help themselves
  7. Time a follow-up meeting

The method provides a useful framework to help managers understand the boundaries between what they should and shouldn’t do when talking about workplace mental health.

Supportive cultures promote good mental healthCreating a Culture of Support

It is important for managers to how to deal with employees in crisis. However it is even more important to know how to create a culture of support for mental health. It is well known that prevention is better than cure. If organisations improve the wellbeing of their employees, they are less likely to experience poor mental health. If employees feel they can talk to a manager and get support when necessary, they will feel calmer at work. They will be less likely to suffer stress and to have a phase of poor mental health.

Therefore as part of the online course, we look at ways of creating a healthy environment at work. This means challenging the stigma of mental health, by communicating positive attitudes. It also means understanding existing work cultures and whether it encourages better or poorer mental health.

Our Educational Approach

The Delphis team has decades of experience in education and psychology. We apply this to our face-to-face training courses by using interactive, visual, and hands-on methods of teaching and learning. And we have also applied our understanding of the learning process to our online course on mental health.

The lectures have been carefully designed to present knowledge at just the right level for a manager. Lectures are brief and clear, and feature both text and voiceover. In addition, there is a wealth of supporting images and graphics to bring the subjects to life.

One powerful and unique feature of our course is the interviews we conducted with people experiencing different mental disorders. Clips of these interviews are peppered throughout the lectures to illustrate a wide range of topics.

Am interviewee shares her experiences of workplace mental health By seeing and hearing real people with mental health conditions, those watching will be able to understand their experience at a more intuitive and human level. Our interviewees talk not only their conditions but stories of how they have been treated at work. In many cases, managers did say and do the right thing. These stories are inspiring and will help managers feel positive about their own ability to support employees with mental disorders.

All the interviewees make it clear that the right support from a manager can make a huge difference to an employee. Not only do they feel supported, they are less likely to take time off work or to leave the organisation.

Other Mental Health for Managers Courses

We strongly believe that our online course on mental health is the best online resource available for managers. We hope you will participate and be as inspired as we are to understand and support employees in difficulty.

Remember, the course is available at an introductory price of £11.99 instead of our usual retail price £99.99 with coupon code DELPHIS-WEB. You can take advantage of this offer now.

We also run face-to-face courses for corporations delivered on-site at a time and location to suit you. In a Delphis workshop you can learn more about mental health in the workplace. Contact us for further details and to discuss your requirements.

Thanks from Tony, Ian and David at the Delphis team.