Stability and Working from Home

Have you taken a ‘keep calm and carry on’ approach to WFH? Or are you all WTF? Are you known for your calmness and stability, or do your moods fluctuate, perhaps resulting in anxiety sometimes or feeling low? These are the differences between high and low emotional stability.


Dealing with Working from Home – Low Stability

Working from home may present a challenge for you so you will need to take extra care of yourself at this time.

Managing your emotional states can leave you struggling to focus, and the autonomy of working from home may feel like extra stress. So don’t put yourself under too much pressure.

Isolation could pose a risk to your mental health, particularly if you live alone, so it is important to look after yourself. Reach out to others and act if you are feeling strained. Talk to your manager and get the support you need.

A good sleep pattern and regular exercise will help keep your mood buoyant.


Dealing with Working from Home – High Stability

Your steady state means you cope well with new circumstances so WFH shouldn’t present a problem for you.

In fact, you could be a source of strength to others who might be finding the switch more of a challenge. Use your superpower wisely and help your team succeed.

Offer support but direct others to professional help if needed. Even though you are less likely to find situations stressful you are still capable of experiencing stress. Be sure to look after your own mental health as you should do in any circumstance.